91无码麻豆视频脫硫意味著在使用91无码麻豆视频之前需要去除91无码麻豆视频中的硫化氫,以免腐蝕後續設備。国产麻豆XXXVIDEO实拍可以根據用戶的91无码麻豆视频量,組成和用途量身定製適合您的脫硫工藝。 国产麻豆XXXVIDEO实拍可以為您提供脫硫技術:幹法化學脫硫,酸性生物脫硫,堿性生物脫硫,複雜鐵脫硫。
Biogas desulfurization means that hydrogen sulfide in biogas needs to be removed before using biogas to avoid corrosion of subsequent equipment. We can customize the desulfurization process suitable for you according to the biogas volume, composition and use of users. We can provide you with desulfurization technologies: dry chemical desulfurization, acidic biological desulfurization, alkaline biological desulfurization, and complex iron desulfurization.

作為一種新興的能源,91无码麻豆视频得到了越來越廣泛的使用。根據我國的環境保護標準,嚴格規定使用91无码麻豆视频能源時,91无码麻豆视频中的硫化氫含量不得超過20mg / m3。 無論是工業氣體還是民用氣體,都盡可能除去H2S。 91无码麻豆视频作為能源已有悠久的曆史。 91无码麻豆视频中的硫主要以硫化氫的形式存在,也可能含有少量的其他硫化物,如硫醇。 發酵原料和發酵過程影響了H2S的濃度。 蛋白質或硫酸鹽含量高的原料在發酵91无码麻豆视频中的硫化氫含量更高。 由於H2S具有高度腐蝕性,因此通常在純化步驟的早期就將其除去。
As a new energy, biogas has been used more and more widely. According to China's environmental protection standards, when using biogas energy, the hydrogen sulfide content in biogas shall not exceed 20mg/m3. H2S shall be removed as much as possible for both industrial gas and civil gas. Biogas has a long history as an energy source. Sulfur in biogas mainly exists in the form of hydrogen sulfide, and may also contain a small amount of other sulfide, such as mercaptan. The fermentation raw materials and fermentation process affect the concentration of H2S. Raw materials with high protein or sulfate content have higher hydrogen sulfide content in fermentation biogas. Because H2S is highly corrosive, it is usually removed early in the purification step.
91无码麻豆视频可用於家庭能源,用於烹飪,照明等,也可用於農副產品的生產和加工,例如91无码麻豆视频育種,91无码麻豆视频孵化,91无码麻豆视频育苗,91无码麻豆视频育苗育種,誘蛾蠶 養殖,91无码麻豆视频儲存,91无码麻豆视频保存和91无码麻豆视频煎茶,產蛋雞,溫室栽培,農產品幹燥和瓷器工藝品等。
Biogas can be used for household energy, cooking, lighting, etc., as well as the production and processing of agricultural and sideline products, such as biogas breeding, biogas incubation, biogas seedling breeding, biogas seedling breeding, trapping silkworm breeding, biogas storage, biogas preservation and biogas tea frying, laying hens, greenhouse cultivation, agricultural product drying and porcelain crafts.
The above is a detailed introduction to biogas purification, and we hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional services http://www.wuliutuoyun888.com