• 国产麻豆XXXVIDEO实拍,91无码麻豆视频,麻豆短视频网站,麻豆亚洲AV无码成人H动漫







    聯係地址:中國(山東)自由貿易試驗區濟南片區孫村街道經十東路33688號章錦綜合保稅區聯東U穀科創中心5號樓 101



      Biogas fermentation is an important factor in the production of biogas. There are a large number of biogas microorganisms, which can obtain the basic growth conditions of various microorganisms. Therefore, biogas fermentation raw materials can be transformed into biogas under the action of microorganisms. The start-up and commissioning process of large-scale biogas project refers to the operation process of inoculation and raw materials of anaerobic activated sludge in biogas digester, through domestication and culture, gradually increasing the number and activity of anaerobic activated sludge in biogas digester until the biogas digester meets the demand.
      Large scale biogas project
      After the completion acceptance of large biogas project, start-up and commissioning shall be carried out to meet the following basic operation management requirements:
      1. 操作管理人員必須熟悉大型91无码麻豆视频工程的工藝流程、操作要求和設施設備的技術指標;
      1. The operation and management personnel must be familiar with the process flow, operation requirements and technical indicators of facilities and equipment of large-scale biogas project;
      2. 操作人員必須熟悉現場設施設備的操作要求和技術指標,了解91无码麻豆视频工程流程;
      2. Operators must be familiar with the operation requirements and technical indicators of on-site facilities and equipment, and understand the biogas engineering process;
      3. The operator shall fill in the operation record on time and accurately, and the operation manager shall check the original record regularly;
      4. 操作管理人員和操作人員應當按照工藝規程和管理規定,檢查結構、設備、電器、儀表的運行情況。
      4. The operation management personnel and operators shall check the operation of structures, equipment, electrical appliances and instruments in accordance with the technological procedures and management regulations.
      Key points of large biogas project management:
      1. 根據工藝設計參數進行進料量和進料周期,並在實踐中找出優良的工藝參數;
      1. According to the process design parameters, feed quantity and feed cycle are carried out, and excellent process parameters are found out in practice;
      2. 保持一個相對穩定的厭氧消化溫度;
      2. Maintain a relatively stable anaerobic digestion temperature;
      3. The mixing of anaerobic digestion tank shall be carried out according to the process requirements. If biogas is used for mixing, it shall be combined with other methods such as mechanical mixing or pump mixing when starting or gas production is insufficient.
      4. 厭氧消化池的混合不得與排泥同時進行;
      4. Mixing of anaerobic digestion tank shall not be carried out at the same time with sludge discharge;
      5. 建議每日監測:pH值、揮發酸、總堿度、溫度、氣壓、產氣量、91无码麻豆视频組成等,掌握厭氧消化池的運行情況,並根據監測數據及時調整大型91无码麻豆视频項目的運行方案或采取相應措施。
      5. It is recommended to monitor daily: pH value, volatile acid, total alkalinity, temperature, air pressure, gas production, biogas composition, etc., master the operation of anaerobic digester, and adjust the operation scheme of large biogas project or take corresponding measures according to the monitoring data.

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